Saturday, 22 September 2012

Content Page Analyse

Content Page Analyse (Glamour Magazine)

The content page I am analysing is Glamour. Glamour is a fashion, beauty and gossip magazine which is aimed at women and teenage girls. The reason why the target audience is women and teenage girls is because women love fashion and beauty related things.

On this content page it contains a variety of different options which will intrigue the reader, as there is a drop down column offering the reader a chance to look at the favourite topics first and an inside scoop into the latest gossip etc with the monthly magazine. The house style layout is just one column with lots of information about what’s going to be in the magazine. The drop down column looks very neat on the content page. This suggests that this magazine is polite and neat. The text of the drop down column is small. This means that the text is not that important but you can still read it. Some of the font is bold and stands out from the other font type. With certain words being bold and others not suggest that those sentence/words are the most important in that sentence.

On the content they include page numbers so that readers know what page to turn to if they want to read a particular article. The page numbers are pink and green. The pink font is the same colour as the word style above the page numbers. The green font is the same colour as the tittle/mast head. In my option this is great that they have used the same colour has the tittle/mast head. It shows that the editor concentrates on the little detail to make the magazine better.

The colour scheme of this content page is;

·        Green

·        Pink

·        Orange

·        Black

The colour scheme is girly but in a mature way. The use of the green and orange used on the title/masthead stand out on the page. The green and orange suggest the sense that autumn is upon us. The text colour green symbolise trees, grass and nature and the orange symbolise the sun.  The colours contrast well with the plain white background. The plain white background gives the sense of maturity and professionalism. The pink used suggest the more girly side to this magazine. The pink symbolise the fashion and beauty side.  On this content page they use 4 colours which is more than enough for a content page. If there were more colours then it would be too much going on, on the page.

The main aspect about this content page is the extremely large image of Emma Watson which is placed in the centre-right hand side of the page. This is what the reader will first sight eye- contact with because of the size, the different of colour. The colour of Emma Watson’s picture is in black and white. This suggest that the photo is professionally done, it will be aimed at the most sophisticated fans of Emma Watson and that in her article she will be talking about her past this is why the photo looks old fashioned/black and white. The image is also in black and white because it will not attract Women to the photo, as they do not want to see Exposed women etc. This is the reason the editor has presented this in black and white, so that it displays a plain, grey, dull colour which will not draw women to the image at a high extent. The black and white colour of the image contrast well with the plain white background.  Another reason why Emma Watson is on the content page is because the main feature article is about Emma Watson, so fans of hers will want to read the magazine.  However there isn’t a lot of information about the image. This will make the readers wanting to read the article and finds out what the image/ article is about. The image also breaks up the drop down column/ text. With the image breaking up the text this suggest that this magazine contains more images than text and that the image is more important than the text.

Underneath the feature article photo there is a caption stating “What’s Emma’s style secret?” This is a rhetorical question. This will make the reader think about that question and instantly turn to that page and read that article.
Another option on this content page is that Glamour has an online website that you can visit if you don’t have the money to buy the magazine. This is helpful and unique because some people don’t have money to buy the magazine.

Adele Double Spread Article

Double spread article- (Adele)

The double spread article I am going to be analysing is a celebrity insider article from Glamour magazine. The topic of this double spread article is Adele and how her stylist styles her. The target audience of this article is female’s because she talks about how she styles Adele. Antohe reason is because women love fashion, and it‘s all about Adele’s life in fashion and most female‘s find Adele inspirational and an good role model.

The main aspect of this article is the main feature article photo. The main feature article photo is of Adele getting styled by her stylist. Adele looks flawless in the image. This will attract women in thinking I can look like Adele if I do what the article say’s. What’s so special about this image is that the colour is in black and white. This shows how professional the editor wanted this image to look and wanted to create a certain atmosphere. Another reason is that women are not draw to black and white images. Women are more drawn to coloured photos. They will read the text before taking any notice to the image. The image of Adele takes up at least one page of the double spread. This shows that the image is important to the article. It shows how Adele stylist style’s her and how elegant she looks. That’s not the only photo that is featured on this double spread. There is a smaller image of Adele singing at the Brit Awards in her traditions black dress. The reason why they have included this image is so that readers know what Adele look like because this is a full body shot, the other photo is only of her head and waist. This image however is in colour not black and white. The colour image will attract people’s attention more than the black and white image.

Underneath the image there is a quote from the article saying “When a look is working Adele puts it on and feels it”. They’ve placed the quote within the image but at the bottom of the black and white image. They’ve used this quote because it’s the most eye catching part/quote of the article and when readers read this quote they will want to read the whole article and find out what the quote is about. The colour of the quote is white and the background is black from Adele’s dress. This contrast well with the dark background and bright font. You can clearly see the quote with the clear type of text they have used.
At the top left hand side of the double spread there is a subtitle which tell's readers what sort of article this is. The article is a celebrity insider. This means that the article is genuine with real interviews. Some magazine's publish fake celebrity insider so that there magazine can make profit. This subtitle is in bold capitol letters. This suggest that this is the main article in the magazine and they are attracting readers to read the article. However the font size of the subtitle is small. So readers might not read the subtitle straight away.

The colour scheme of this double spread article is pretty simple, plain but elegant at the same time. The colours that Glamour have used are;

The reason why these colours are simple, elegant and natural is because Adele is a natural beauty, she is an elegant women and the colour compliments the images used on the double spread. It makes the images come alive more with the white background. However if there was lots of colours going on, on the double spread then the article wouldn’t work as well. People would get distracted from all of the colours and not focus on the article.
The only main colour that is used is the title of the article. They have made one particular word orange which is “Adele’s”. This is to tell the reader that the article is mainly about Adele if they didn’t know who it was in the image.The orange used captivates the readers eyes and will draw people in to read the article, It catches people's eyes. The writing on the article is squashed underneath the feature article photo. This is why the writing is so small is because the image takes up on page of the double page. The size of the font is small, so older women may struggle reading it but women will still read the article. They won't be put off by how small the font is.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Ofqual vs The Exam Board!!

 English Exam Terror
Who Will Win!!!


After months of waiting for GCSE results, children aged 16 are hoping for C’s in there exam’s. However Ofqual had better ideas. Ofqual changed there boundaries without teachers or pupils knowing. This caused chaos in the UK.

Throughout Britain and Wales teenagers were outraged and disappoint about there English results knowing that these boundaries have been changed. This caused teenagers heartache and truama when they couldn’t get into college or sixth form.  All there hard work wasted. After getting there results tweeters and bloggers discovered a linked letter explaining that this was said weeks before the results were even published. Image that?

As details of the letter reveals, Ofqual’s chef regulator ‘Glenys Stacey’ might as well resign now with all the grief he's going to get. With the letter revealing unremarkable things about the boundaries the future doesn’t look bright for Glenys and his job. Bye Glenys

However head teacher and former Ofqual board member ‘John Townsley’ is outraged about what has happened. “We can see Ofqual has applied pressure to the awarding body in concern with the lower number of C grades awarded, Glenys Stacey should resign”. That’s a lot of people who want Glenys Stacey to resign.The main opinion is of you the public.

Ofqual said letters to and from Exdexcel were correct and right. There reason for this change is to maintain standards. But changing the boundaries two weeks before GCSE is that fair on teenagers?

Another joke on the matter is that Wales are going to get higher grades than England. How is that possible? This made Wales GSCE’s results higher than England. Leighton Andrew feel’s sorry for the welsh teenagers. He states that they have been victims of this row over the lowering of grades.

The letter warns that the grade predications are based on Sats results at the age of only 11. Other factors such as changes that the year group and the new, modular exams system need to be taken in account.

Overall the battle of exam boards is still going on. Hundreds of teenagers devastated about there results and Ofqual getting away with murder. What do you think on the matter? Thank you for reading this exclusive article.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Magazine Analysis (Glamour) Media Studies

Glamour magazine front cover

The magazine front cover i've chosen to analysis is Glamour. Glamour is a fashion, beauty and gossip magazine which is aimed at a particular audience. Glamour's target audience's are women and teenage girls. The main reason's why women and teenage girls like this magazine is because women and teenage girls love fashion, gossip and beauty. Another reason why they would like this magazine is the colour's Glamour have used. They have used pinks, purples and whites. These colours contrast very well with the font and the main photo used on the front cover. The colours on the front cover will pop out instantly to women because women/ girls love bright, bold colours and the colours Glamour have used are feminine not masculine.

When you look at the front cover the first thing you look at is the mast head. The mast head is the most important part of a magazine. Most mast heads are place at the top left hand corner, in this case it is place in the top left hand corner. The mast head in this magazine is the word 'Glamour'. The colour of the writing is pink. This will attract women's attention and will make them want to read this magazine. The mast head is in captial letters. This will stand out from the rest of the magazine's out there at the moment. The font used for the mast head is serif font. Serif font is where part of the letters have points on them. Normally serif font are used in magazines and are informal where as sans serif is used in newspapers and more formal.

Another part of the magazine which draws women to buy the magazine is the feature article picture. This is the main photo on a magazine. If the feature article photo is an important celebrity they will buy the magazine, in this case gamour have used a celebrity well known. In Glamour the feature article photo is 'Adele'. Glamour have used 'Adele' as the feature article photo because 'Adele' is a major celebrity, people are interested about her and her life, she is known worldwide and she has a lot of fans. Fans will want to buy this magazine to see what 'Adele' has said in the magazine. This will give the publishers of the magazine lots of money buy people buying the magazine. The feature article photo is placed in the centre of the magazine and is the biggest photo on the magazine front cover. 'Adele's' looks on the front cover is flawless and clean. This gives a good impression of the magazine. Also this means women will want to be like her and will buy the magazine.

Underneath the feature article photo there is a coverline. The coverline of this magazine is 'on sex and dating celebrites'. The coverline is giving you extra information on what is happening in the photo. This information is intriguing the reader to read the article. The font  is the same has the mast head, (serif). Thoughout the front cover of the magazine the font is all serif. This means that the magazine will be informal and suitable for people who want to find out gossip, fashion ETC. The layout of the front cover is effective because there are lots of writing on the front cover and only one photo. This is because women love reading more than looking at photos. The writing is placed all around the photo. This suggest that the photo has more priority over the writing, (apart from the mast head).

Another major aspect of this magazine is the plugs they have used throghout the front cover. Plugs give little hints about what's going to be in the magazine but not giving much away. In Glamour magazine they use lots of plugs so that readers know what will be included in the magazine. An example from this magazine is 'I thought celebs were plotting to kill me'. By reading this plug they will know what to expect in the magazine but will want to find out. Also readers can turn to the specific page to read that article. Another reason why this plug is effective because it's a true and shocking story. Women love to read true stories that will make them think about the world. On the magazine front cover there are 5 plugs in total meaning that Glamour magazine give lots of hints about whats going to be in there magazine.

In Glamour magazine they use a variety of puffs. Puffs are powerful words that stand out on the page and will captivate the readers. An example of a puff is 'Hot Looks'. Hot looks is a puff because women are always wanting to look hot. They will want to read the magazine to see if they too can get look hot like the models in the magazine do. The font colour is different from the usual colour white instead it's pink. Another case where the font is pink not white is 'you want bed', this is a play on words meaning you need your bed. The main reason why they have changed the colour of these words are that these words are important in the sentence.    

At the top right hand side, they have made the price noticable to the buyers. This is so the buyers know how much they are paying for the magazine. The price say's it's 'Only £2'. Women will want to buy this magazine because they'll know that it is on sale and most women love a good bargain. Also most female magazines are expensive but this one is cheap. The colour of the price is different from the rest of the magazine. The colour they have used is bright yellow. Yellow is an eye catching colour, this is because they want to draw attention to the price of the magazine. Because the magazine is cheap, women will want to buy it. The font colour is different from all of the other font colour. They have used black to signal the fact that the magazine is only £2.

The final aspect of this magazine is the strapline the use at the top of the front cover. They claim that there 'Britain's No1 Women's Magazine'. This will persuade readers to buy this magazine because they claim they are Britain's No1 Women's Magazine.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Key Media Concept Media Studies

Key Media Concept

Target Audience:
Target Audience means the people that are aimed at a certain product. An example would be Mean Girls. Mean Girls is for girls aged around 12-72. The reason why Mean Girls are for Girls aged 12-72 is because girls can relate to the film and the film is all about girls and boys will not want to watch that sort of film. Boys like watching action films. There are two kinds of target audience primary and secondary audience.
Genre is the different categories that decides what groups TV programmes, films ETC, should be in. An example would be drama, soaps and reality are different types of TV programmes.
Codes and Convention:
Convention is the key features in a media product with a given genre. An example would be a romance film the main features of a romance film is love, boy meets girl, death or illness and heartbreak.
Codes is a way of connecting without using words. An example would be a Christmas tree represents Christmas and Easter eggs represent Easter.